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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Performance of Tourism Sector During August 2010

Ministry of Tourism compiles monthly estimates of Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in India and Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEE) from tourism on the basis of data received from major airports. Following are the important highlights, as regards these two important indicators of tourism sector for August 2010.

Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in India:

· FTAs in India during the Month of August 2010 were 3.82 lakh as compared to FTAs of 3.50 lakh during the month of August 2009 and 3.83 lakh in August 2008.

· There has been a growth of 9.0 % in August 2010 over August 2009 as compared to a growth of (-) 8.6 % registered in August 2009 over August 2008.

· Growth rate in August 2010 (9.0%) is more than double of that observed during July 2010 (4.1%).

· FTAs during the period January-August 2010 were 34.67 lakh with a growth rate of 9.7 %, as compared to the FTAs of 31.60 lakh and a negative growth rate of 7.7 % during January-August 2009 over the corresponding period of 2008.


Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEE) from Tourism in Indian Rupee terms and US $ terms

· FEE from tourism during the month of August 2010 were Rs. 4620 crore as compared to Rs. 4115 crore in August 2009 and Rs. 3626 crore in August 2008.

· The growth rate in FEE in Rs. terms in August 2010 over August 2009 was 12.3 % as compared to growth rate of 13.5 % in August 2009 over August 2008.

· FEE during the period January-August 2010 were Rs. 41437 crore with a growth rate of 22.6 %, as compared to FEE of Rs. 33791 crore with a growth of 1.4 % during January -August 2009 over the corresponding period of 2008.

· FEE in US$ terms during the month of August 2010 were US$ 992 million as compared to FEE of US$ 851 million during the month of August 2009 and US$ 845 million in August 2008.

· The growth rate in FEE in US$ terms in August 2010 over August 2009 was 16.6 %.

· FEE during the period January-August 2010 were US$ 8997 million with a growth rate of 30.7 % as compared to FEE of US$ 6886 million with a negative growth of 15.3 % during January - August 2009 over the corresponding period of 2008.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Electronic Waste - Contribution of Mobile Phones and Tvs


As per a study sponsored by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, which was conducted by ELCINA-Electronic Industries Association of India mobile phones and televisions share is considerable towards e-waste.

1). The total units of mobile phones sold during 2007-08 were about 930 lakhs.

2). Compound annual growth rate for Mobile Phones during the year 2007-2008 was 73%.

3). The obsolescence rate of Mobile phones is estimated to be ranging from 1.8 to 2.0 years.

4). Total e-waste generated from Computers, Mobiles and TVs was 3,82,979 metric tonnes. Out of this 1655 MT (O.43% of total generation ) of e-waste was generated from mobile phones.

5). Bulk of e-waste accounted for by TVs (2, 75,000 MT) and computers (56,000 MT).

6). Out of 3,82,979 metric tonnes of e-waste , 1,44,143 metric tonnes of e-waste is available for recycling. Rest is stacked or not sold by consumers because of inappropriate resale value or used for lower level applications.

The Ministry of Environment and Forests has notified the Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Trans-boundary Movement) Rules, 2008 for proper management and handling of hazardous wastes, including e-waste. The units, handling e-waste, need to register with CPCB now. At present, there are 14 dismantlers/recyclers registered with CPCB. The waste generated is required to be sent or sold to a registered or authorized recycler or re-processor or re-user having environmentally sound facilities for recovery of metals, plastics, etc.

The Guidelines for Environmentally Sound Management of e-waste published by CPCB in 2008 provide the approach and methodology for environmentally sound management of e-waste. These include details pertaining to hazardous content in e-waste, recycle, re-use and recovery option, treatment and disposal options and environmentally sound e-waste treatment technologies. The Guidelines emphasize the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility.

Posted by Core Sector Communique at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Green Book on Pollution Control


India is the first country, which has made provisions for the protection and improvement of environment in its Constitution. In the 42nd amendment to the Constitution in 1976, provisions to this effect were incorporated in the Constitution of India with effect from 3rd Jan, 1977. In the Directive Principles of State Policy in Chapter IV of the Constitution, Article 48-A was inserted which enjoins the State to make endeavour for protection and improvement of the environment and for safeguarding the forest and wild life of the country. Another landmark provision in respect of environment was also inserted, by the same amendment, as one of the Fundamental Duties of every citizen of India. This is the provision in Article 51-A (g) of the Constitution. It stipulates that it shall be the duty of every citizen of India ‘to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures’.

There were provisions already existing in various enactments to tackle environmental pollution. The Indian Penal Code, The Criminal Procedure Code, The Factories Act, The Indian Forest Act, The Merchant Shipping Act, etc. have provisions for regulation and legal action for some specific environmental issues. However, with our country’s emerging environmental scenario with industrialisation in the post-independence era, these were found either inadequate or being not effectively applicable to check the degradation of our environment. After the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment in June, 1972, it was considered appropriate to have uniform laws all over the country for broad environmental problems endangering the health and safety of our people as well as of our flora and fauna. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, is the first enactment by the Parliament in this direction. This is also the first specific and comprehensive legislation institutionalizing simultaneously the regulatory agencies for controlling water pollution. The Pollution Control Boards at the Centre and in the States came into being in terms of this Act. Another related legislation enacted was the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 in order to conserve this vital natural resource and to augment the finance of these regulatory agencies. Thereafter, The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was likewise enacted in the year 1981 and the task of implementation of this legislation was also entrusted to the same regulatory agencies created under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. As the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act were designed to deal with only water and air pollution problems, it was in the year 1986 that the Parliament enacted a comprehensive or umbrella legislation for environment in its entirety. This is the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The responsibility for implementation of provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act has to a large extent been entrusted to the same regulatory agencies created under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. Other agencies besides the Central and State governments are also entrusted with the responsibility of implementing specific provisions of this Act and the Rules made there under depending on their operational requirements.

Over the years, several amendments have also been made in the various existing statutes to meet the requirements of the unfolding environmental issues. The Indian Forests Act, The Forests (Conservation) Act, The Factories Act, The Wild Life Protection Act, The Mines and Mineral (Regulation and Development) Act, The Industrial Development and Regulation Act and the Atomic Energy Act among others, have undergone such amendments. These Acts, being the responsibility of agencies other than Pollution Control Boards for implementation are not of day-to-day concern for the Boards and, therefore, have not been covered in the present volume designed for ready reference by the functionaries of the Boards and others concerned with them. The size of the volume has also been consideration for the choice.

In this volume, an effort has been made to compile the Acts and Rules concerning protection and improvement of environment being implemented by the Environment Ministry/Departments as well as the Pollution Control Boards or the Pollution Control Committees at the Central, State and Union Territory levels. The current volume is the sixth edition of such a compilation of Acts and Rules by the Central Pollution Control Board. The first edition was brought out in the year 1989. Since the compilation of first edition, a number of amendments have been made in the Acts and Rules and new legislations have also been enacted, namely, The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, The National Environmental Tribunal Act, 1995 and The National Environment Appellate Authority Act, 1997. The Procedure for grant and renewal of license for environmental management system has also been included, though scheme is to be operated by the Bureau of Indian Standards. In the first edition, the Amendment Acts were printed separately. This created some difficulties in having the updated version of the provisions in one place, as it should be. In the present edition, amendments as on date have been incorporated in the respective principal Acts and Rules. Several Rules which have been framed to give effect to The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act and The Environment (Protection) Act, etc. were included in this edition. The first edition was brought out in 1989, second in 1992 and the third edition was published in 1994. Since the publication of the third edition, several enactments and notifications were also issued. These include The National Environmental Tribunal Act, 1995; The National Environment Appellate Authority Act, 1997; The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996; The Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998; The Recycled Plastics Manufacture and Usage Rules, 1999; The Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000; The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000; The Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation) Rules, 2000 ;and The Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001.

This edition has also incorporated the standards notified with respect to important pollutants as well as the rules governing hazardous wastes, hazardous chemicals, etc. notified under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, and the procedure for Environmental Statement, etc. to facilitate ready reference by the implementing agencies concerned. While this may not yet be comprehensive in coverage, the major notifications concerning the Pollution have been included.

All the above mentioned Acts, Rules and Notifications, in addition to the earlier ones, have been incorporated in the present edition. The recently notified industry specific standards for the industries like, Pesticide, Pharmaceuticals (Bulk Drugs), Soda Ash, emission standards for Brick Kilns, Specification of two Stroke Engine Oil, emission Standards for new Generator Sets and Noise Standards for Fire-Crackers, etc., have also been included in this edition. The various amendments brought out to Rules such as The Manufacturing, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals (Amendment) Rules, 2000, The Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) (Amendment) Rules, 2000, etc. have been incorporated in the existing Rules at appropriate places.

The sixth edition of PCL series of Central Pollution Control Board on “Pollution Control Acts, Rules and Notifications issued there under” is being published following 1989, 1992, 1994, 2001 and 2006 publication. The number of Notifications and amendments in several Rules have been issued by the Ministry of Environment & Forests after 2006 PCL Series publication viz. The industry specific standards on Sponge Iron Plant (Rotary Kiln), Common Hazardous Waste incinerator, incinerator for Pesticide Industry, Refractory Industry, Cashew Seed Processing Industry, and Plaster of Paris Industry notified and added in Schedule-I of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, and the Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008 besides the National Ambient Air Quality Standards 2009 which is included in Schedule VII of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986.

Posted by Core Sector Communique at 3:29 PM 0 comments

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Networking 4 Green Earth
Mankind is faced with its biggest challenge ever. Climate change and as its consequence, global warming – if allowed to continue unhindered, according to the extremists – promises to unleash devastation of a kind that will be akin to the one that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs.
While the debate is still raging, the time is ripe for a rational and practical take on the matter. Especially for the industry, which, willingly or otherwise, is being pushed into the deep end of the pool. What is despicable is the effort from some vested ends to raise the bogey of doomsday and quietly reap the attending benefits.
At the crux is the concern over the burning of fossil fuels. Coal and Oil, which were the key facilitators behind the economic prosperity of Europe and America in the 19th and the 20th century, are today being termed as villains. The view from the West is simple.“The burning of fossil fuels releases noxious gases which are responsible for warming the earth, thereby jeopardising humanity’s future”. Point taken. But why is this sudden concern about the climate, now that it is China and India’s turn to burn the same fuels that gave the West its prosperity? Why will the developing and relatively less economically advanced Nations atone for the sins of their rich cousins? Is there a method in the madness then?

Everybody knows where the per capita consumption of coal for generation of electricity is the highest. Everybody can also see who’s at his vocal best. Hypocrisy? Or simple, self serving, “Eco-pornography”?
It is between these two extremes that Indian industry finds itself is tangled today. On the one hand is the devil. On the other, the deep.
What then is the way out? What is the need of the hour? How do we pick up the gauntlet that fate has thrown towards us and emerge victors? Pertinent questions all. Questions that demand answers. Questions, left unanswered will ensure that history or our children, will not forgive us.
Do we sacrifice industrial development and economic prosperity on the altar of Eco-friendliness? Or do we pay no heed to the cacophony of the Cassandra’s and continue on the growth path unhindered? This answer too, lies somewhere between the two extremes.
We have to grow. We have to tread on the path of industrialization. We have to scale up and keep our tryst with destiny. India’s economic development is not open for negotiations. It is something that we cannot compromise.
The only way out then, is to embrace development that is socially conscious, responsible, honest and climate friendly. Not a tall order, considering that we have the necessary technologies and the wherewithal that mitigate adverse impacts and that we, as a people, are extremely inventive apart from the fact that in India we have a legacy of being one with nature. Suffice to say, the civilization that has given mankind Yoga and Ayurveda, can show the way out of this imbroglio that our brothers have created by trying to play God, yet again!

Networking 4 Green Earth is a group of honest corporate Samurai’s. Our life’s mission is to leave behind a cleaner, greener, more prosperous world for our children than what we had inherited from our forefathers. Our vision: resolute. Our dedication: beyond comprehension.
We are just a ripple on the ocean today. Come join us so that we may become the tidal wave that we hope to grow up to be, one day. Imagine. We will. Mother Earth commands no less.

Tentative Agenda

Networking 4 Green Earth
ITC The Sonar, Kolkata
November 11th & 12th 2010


Day One : November 11th 2010

1300 hrs – 1400 hrs : Pre Inaugural Networking Lunch
1400 – 1415 hrs : Inauguration with ceremonial watering of the tree of life
1415 – 1445 hrs : Inaugural address
1445 – 1500 hrs : Tea / Coffee Break
1500 – 1630 hrs : Inaugural Session
Panel Discussion
Ratan Tata, H R Narayan Murthy, Richard Brenson,YC Deveshwar, Rana Kapoor, Azim Premji, Keshub Mahindra, BM Bansal, Jayram Ramesh, Sashi Tharoor, SK Roongta, AlGore, Suresh Pachauri
1630 – 1800 hrs : Steel & Power
1800 – 1830 hrs :
Prize Distribution to winners with most original ideas
Media Interaction

1900 Evening Cultural Programme followed by Cocktails and Dinner

Day Two: November 12th 2010

0900 – 1030 hrs : Resources –
Coal and Iron Ore
Chairman Coal India, Chairman CC Carbon, Chairman UGM Coal Mining, Ex Sec Coal (GOI), Darwin Zahedy Saleh, Chairman NMDC, BHP Billiton, Xestrata, Rio Tinto
Petroleum Oil and Natural Gas
1030 – 1045 hrs : Tea / Coffee break
1045 – 1215 hrs : Emerging Technologies – Response to Climate Change
Mari Elka Pangestu, Speaker from VDMA, Speaker from SGS, CII Chairman, Dominic Struass Kahn
1215 – 1345 hrs :
1345 – 1445 hrs : Lunch
1400 – 1530 hrs : innovation in Action – Grassroots Activists
Ms. Margrit von Braun, Blacksmith Institute. Sunita Narayan, Maneka Gandhi, Mani Shanker Aiyar, Father Felix Raj
1530 -1545 hrs : Tea /Coffee break
1545 – 1715 hrs : Green Energy – what, at what cost, when and how?
Editor Business Standard, Dr Shaktipada Gon Chowdhury, 1st climate

1715 – 1730 Joint Declaration

1. Anita M George, Director Infrastructure, IFC
2. Sushim Banerjee, Director INSDAG
3. Dr. AS Firoze, JPC
4. Rita Singh, MD, Mesco
5. Ash Sharma, Nordic Environment Finance Corporation
6. Thomas Camerata, managing partner, South Pole
7. Rajah Banerjee, Makaibari Tea Estates
8. Arun Khanna, Advisor TRAI
9. Dominiq Struass Kahn – World Bank
10. Director TERI

Networking 4 Green Earth

Global warming, in its wake have created a peculiar situation, where truth has become the first casualty. On the one hand are the so called crusaders who want to sacrifice all development on the altar of climate change while on the other are the opportunists seeking to make a quick buck in the haze. The need for inclusive growth that is socially conscious and economically sustainable cannot be over emphasized.

With this as the backdrop, we, a group of like-minded professionals from the corporate world have come together to not only raise awareness but also seek solutions that will help us make the world a better place to live and work in.

For our first venture we want to bring together top guns from the corporate world, activists and academicians to share the podium and exchange views so that a common high ground can be created for future action.